Résultats d'expositions
CH. Heaven White Himalaya's snow mountains
7/12/2013 - ROUEN CAC-CACIB
Juge : stefanescu
excellente chienne excellente tete mouvement typique ,exc angulations avt et arriere ,ligne dos ,forte croupe , queue bien portée et attachée . Superbe presentation
1 iére intermediaire , CACS
CH. Heaven White Himalaya's snow mountains
24/11/2013 - Le mans Cacs
Juge : Mr Parson
Superbe chienne blanche , tete ramarquable en profil , excellent mvt arriére et avt , ligne de dos, super tempérament de terrier , exc port de queue ,cou, jarret .
1iére intermediaire ,CAC-CACIB ,BOB
CH. Heaven White Himalaya's snow mountains
16/11/2013 - Courtrai CAC-CACIB
Juge : Kilacabar Chris.
29 points
CH. Heaven White Himalaya's snow mountains
10/11/2013 - leiden trophy
Juge : Goodwin, Caprino, Filatova
Laya remporte a elle seule 29 points . Elle et Holia gagne le runner up !!!
1iere intermediaire class , reserve best bitch, rcac
CH. Heaven White Himalaya's snow mountains
9/11/2013 - leiden trophy
Juge : Remer
2nd limit bitch
CH. Heaven White Himalaya's snow mountains
6/10/2013 - BTC Championship show
Juge : Kearby bt
2nd HEAVEN WHITE HIMAYLAYA'S SNOW MOUNTAIN (MR & MRS P & A BLAIR) 15 months old white substantial bitch presented in gleaming condition. Has excellent head with fill and depth and under jaw. Super eye and ear carriage, good mouth. Very good bone, straight front, and well defined bend of stifle. Another good tail set. Moved better coming than going.
4éme baby class TP
Heaven White Inside lane
28/9/2013 - Nazareth Cac
Juge : Mark philips
1 limit class bitch
CH. Heaven White Himalaya's snow mountains
13/9/2013 - Darlington Championship show
Juge : Parsons
Heaven White Himalaya’s Snow Mountains, classy white, excellent head & expression, plenty of bone & substance, elegant neck, moved well in front, slightly close behind;
CH. Heaven White Himalaya's snow mountains
10/8/2013 - Bournemouth Championship show
Juge : wilkinson paul
White with brindle ear markings, well balanced, very stylish super head, lovely eye, correct mouth, good neck, shoulders & front, good topline, tailset, powerful hindquarters, moved & handled well. BCC
1iere place limit bitch
CH. Heaven White Himalaya's snow mountains
28/7/2013 - northen provincial Championship show
Juge : Eddie Ball
White with black ears, powerful head that has turn and lots of width, eyes are small and ears are correctly placed, correct mouth, strong neck into well laid shoulder, straight front, lovely tight feet, level top line, strong well angulated quarters, front movement is better that rear, pushed hard in the line up, but felt the cc winners were shorter coupled.
Rcc , Reserve BIS
CH. Heaven White Himalaya's snow mountains
27/7/2013 - Gretna , UK Championship show
Juge : Foster sarah
Stunning, elegant white with black ears. Lovely head, with strong muzzle. Good mouth, lovely expression, lovely front and feet, good bone, correct shoulders, although not long in back, she is slightly longer than 1st. Shapely, strong quarters, good topline, moved well and again one of the better bitch movers. A well deserved RBCC & RBIS
CH. Heaven White Himalaya's snow mountains
14/7/2013 - chasseneuil Régionale d' elevage
Juge : Andrea newberry et andreu martinez
BOB, Best dog group 3 ,2nd best dog of show
CH. Heaven White Himalaya's snow mountains
30/6/2013 - Pornichet CACS
Juge : Prin Dominique
1iere jeune femelle,meilleur jeune, meilleur de race
CH. Heaven White Himalaya's snow mountains
9/6/2013 - chartres CACS
Juge : Calloch Richard
trés jolie femelle, exc tete ,oeil, oreilles, dents . exc mouvement , angulation,ligne de dos
meilleur jeune chien de l' expo , meilleur adulte groupe 3 ,3ieme meilleur chien
CH. Heaven White Himalaya's snow mountains
19/5/2013 - Tours CACS
Juge : Parson patrick
superbe femelle magnifique tete trés bon mvt avant et arriére trés bonne angulation dynamique meilleur de race
best bitch, best of breed, best in show
CH. Heaven White Himalaya's snow mountains
12/5/2013 - Rombas RE
Juge : Blair anna
superb head , turned and filled fabulous expression perfect mouth lovely neck nice top line moved well handled very well
best colored female / meilleure femelle colorée
CH. Heaven White Godiva at bigshot
31/3/2013 - Nazareth cets
Juge : Rocky top and Xanadu
Heaven White Gold digger
31/3/2013 - Nazareth cets
Juge : Rocky top and Xanadu
CH. Heaven White Himalaya's snow mountains
31/3/2013 - Nazareth cets
Juge : Rocky top and Xanadu
CH. Heaven White Himalaya's snow mountains
17/2/2013 - Bourges CACS-CACIB
tb ensemble, t jolie tete ovoide, belle structure se deplace trés bien best puppy
1iere puppy femelle, meilleur puppy
CH. Heaven White Himalaya's snow mountains
2/2/2013 - Troyes CACS-CACIB
Juge : MR Chapiro
ex chien ds l' ensemble, jolie tete bien bombée, exc substance , dcc, oeil bonne forme et bonne couleur , dos bien ferme, encolure bien musclée, exc poitrine, epaule, cote, croupe, pieds. exc presentation et mvt MEILLEUR PUPPY
3eme trés prometteur
CH. Heaven White Himalaya's snow mountains
12/1/2013 - Vincennes CACS-CACIB
Juge : Vanaken
trés jolie femelle , allie déja puissance et classe . bon déplacement parraléle des membres
Trés prometteur
Heaven White Hunt titled legacy
12/1/2013 - Vincennes CACS-CACIB
Juge : Vanaken